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Bry Kopu

Bry Kopu

Co-Chair and Trustee - Rautāpatu Foundation

Co-Founder and Chief Vision Officer - Rautāpatu Limited
Te Ātiawa nui tonu

Bry Co-Founded Rautāpatu Foundation in 2022, with friend and business partner, Glen Skipper- to activate their charitable aspirations.


Bry is passionate about whanau and hapū development & is also the current Chairperson of Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki. Previously she was in the senior leadership team (and CE) of the national network Mayors Taskforce for Jobs and helped set up the TUIA Trust supporting rangatahi leadership initiatives across Aotearoa. During her time with the Taranaki Health Foundation, she led successful community campaigns fundraising millions of dollars for healthcare infrastructure and equipment for the region. 


Bry’s strengths lie in Strategic Business Planning, Project Management & Reporting, and Partnership Development. With a strong focus on ethical engagement as an IAP2-certified professional, she is dedicated to fostering meaningful collaborations that drive impactful community outcomes.


Over the last two decades she has worked on numerous regeneration Kaupapa and is passionate about supporting the development of Circular Indigenous Enterprise and Community Resilience.  Bry advocates for the principle of “scaling deep”—investing in relationships that create lasting, transformative change.

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