Pou Māori - Kore Hiakai
Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Te Atiawa, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter – advocating and breathing in the kai sovereignty spaces.
Learning and growing knowledge and ways in which we can connect with each other, with our taiao to create an Aotearoa where we build Te Tiriti grounded, long term, mana centered, sustainable solutions to ensure all people, at all times, have agency and access to enough nourishing, affordable, sustainably sourced, culturally appropriate food.
Kai Motuhake
If we want all our people to have dignified access to enough good food – we need an approach which recognises that food insecurity is experienced by people and our atua but driven by systems.
All around Aotearoa, Hapu / Iwi and communities are striving to build resilient communities. Our collective knowledge is needed now more than ever. Join me as we korero together, to learn and express the issues and successes we are facing to achieve this.
Highlighting the best examples of Kai Strategies for Realising kai secure communities in Aotearoa, we can explore the following:
What are the key issues and considerations that successful communities you think communities are doing?
Understand together, what are the top 5 Challenges and 5 Opportunities you see in your own communities to relieving hunger and building kai resilience
Kotahitanga - where to from here? Collaboration for those wishing to work together in the future
Our actions and commitment towards addressing Indigenous food insecurity and food sovereignty must also value the significant role food plays in healing ourselves and our whanau.
Presentation | Wednesday 9 October
Part of the Accelerator Sessions