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He Kāhui Mano-
Tribal Summit
A special event for indigenous communities to reimagine and redefine our future through a community-led, kaupapa-driven circular economy.
Nau mai, haere mai...
Join us at the intersection of climate change, culture, and community to explore how we, as indigenous communities, can tackle community-level challenges and contribute to global change.
The Rautāpatu Foundation and community partners extend a warm welcome to Taranaki whanau whānui and wider hapū networks around the motu, to attend our Tribal Summit.
DAYS 1 & 2
Our focus is on highlighting solutions to tackle community-level challenges and to contribute to Taiao regeneration and global change.
Day 1 Programme
Day 2 Programme
Download Programme Here
Best for Mobile viewing
Importantly we aim to celebrate our whanaungātanga & hapūtanga
to create a safe space to wānanga
with others and explore:
Can circularity align with our aspirations for cultural and social well-being and values as Māori?
A means to an end... how does circularity stack up building a kaupapa-driven Tribal economy?
How do we unlock the economic potential of a Taiao-positive, circular economy?
What are the pros/cons of a Circular Economy?
We have organised a programme where you will have the opportunity to kōrero with
others and reflect on an array of thought-provoking presenters, and accelerator sessions to enable a deep dive into three design-driven
Circular Economy principles and their alignment to Te Ao Māori:
Resource Recovery
Circular Business
Regenerating te Taiao
We will showcase circular businesses and draw inspiration from transformative local, regional and international examples.

Rautāpatu is proud to be part of the
Ellen MacArthur Foundation Community
and offer a
Key Dates:
Tuesday 8th to Wednesday 9th October 2024
*Includes: free Circular Economy MasterClass Ticket
Monday 7th October 2024
Cost $245pp
Get your tickets here
Want to pay by invoice?
Te Whare Hononga
37 Vivian Street
New Plymouth
This is a ZERO WASTE event generously sponsored by
Zero Waste Fund
New Plymouth District Council
and is kindly supported by our community partners:
Te Tari Taiwhenua-DIA
Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki
Para Kore
He Toronga Pākihi kiTaranaki
Cat and Mouse TV
The Rautāpatu Foundation wanted to provide
a forum for thinkers, doers and leaders
to consider a kaupapa Māori view of
our circular development potential.
Showcasing the most impactful presentations from Aotearoa's most influential Māori scholars, change makers, community practitioners, innovators and entrepreneurs, we hope to inspire you and give a voice to rangatahi, whanau and hapū into our future development.
Our Programme offers a mix of presentations and small group 'accelerator sessions' to do a deep dive into key areas of potential change in our homes, workplaces and community.
Over three days we invite you to wānanga with others, to consider what a Taiao-Positive and Kaupapa-led Economy could look like.
We hope you are curious like we are to answer:
If principles of circularity align with our aspirations for cultural and social well-being and values as Māori?
A means to an end... how does circularity stack up building a kaupapa-driven Tribal economy?
How do we unlock the economic potential of a Taiao-positive, circular economy?
What are the pros/cons of a Circular Economy?
Who should attend?
We extend a warm welcome to those who share whakapapa to ngā Iwi o Taranaki, and to wider whanau and hapū networks around the motu to attend our Tribal Summit.
We encourage pakeke and rangatahi who are passionate about the interconnected kaupapa of revitalising Te Taiao, community-led change, indigenous entrepreneurship, systems thinking and Tribal economic development as essential components on our quest to reclaim our
mana motuhake.
Revitalising the mana and mauri of Te Taiao is paramount
and must start with us, today.
We cannot wait any longer.
When we all make small incremental changes,
the aggregate is impactful and can form
the cornerstone of community-driven progress.
If you are like us, delivering on this kaupapa entails more than just our responsibility as 'kaitiaki' - it is an intergenerational connection one another and
to something bigger...
it embodies the aspirations of our
whānau and hapū,
uniting us with our tūpuna,
our present, and our future.
Join us at Te Whare Hononga, to see how our values and worldview aligns to circularity and if it can provide your whanau, hapū and community with tools for change.
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