Activating a Community-Led Circular Economy

Announcing our inaugural tribal summit - He Kahui Mano, to be held in Ngāmotu (New Plymouth) on Monday 7th - Wednesday 9th October, at The Devon Hotel.
This three-day event is for indigenous communities to reimagine and redefine our future through a community-led, kaupapa-driven, circular economy to build whānau, hapū, and community resilience.
Our aim is to provide the opportunity to better understand Circular Economy- the theory and the practice. We will offer a mix of presentations and think space to do a deeper dive into key areas of potential change in our homes, workplaces and community.
Our aim is to provide participants with the opportunity to broadly redefine sustainability, resilience and innovation for a community-led circular future.
Over three days we invite you to learn, reflect, and wānanga with others, to consider:
Can circularity align with our aspirations for cultural and social well-being and values as Māori?
A means to an end... how does circularity stack up building a kaupapa-driven Tribal economy?
How do we unlock the economic potential of a Taiao-positive, circular economy?
What are the pros/cons of a Circular Economy?
Who should attend?
We extend a warm welcome to those who share whakapapa to ngā Iwi o Taranaki, and to wider whanau and hapū networks around the motu to attend our Tribal Summit.
We encourage pakeke and rangatahi who are passionate about the interconnected kaupapa of revitalising Te Taiao, community-led change, indigenous entrepreneurship, systems thinking and Tribal economic development as essential components on our quest to reclaim our mana motuhake.
We view the revitalisation of the mana and mauri of Te Taiao as the cornerstone of community-driven progress. This entails more than just our enduring responsibility as kaitiaki across generations; it also embodies the aspirations of our whānau and hapū, uniting us with our heritage, our present, and our future.
Join us to see how our values and worldview aligns to circularity and if it can provide your whanau, hapū and community with tools for change.
Event Details
In person, ticketed event
Dates: Wednesday 14, Thursday 15, Friday 16 August 2024
Time: 9am to 5pm (approx.)
Location: The Devon Hotel
Sessions: A mixture of in-person and online presentations, and in-person workshops
For Presenter Profiles click their name in the Programme
Please note the Programme is a living document being updated continually and is subject to change